Pengendalian Persediaan Darah untuk Pasien dengan Hemoglobin Rendah Menggunakan Metode Backpropagation
Control, Blood, Hemoglobin, Backpropagation, Matlab
AbstractThe Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) of the Rokan Hulu Regional General Hospital (RSUD) has an important role to fulfill the demand for blood from patients. Patients who need blood donation are patients with low hemoglobin levels. The problem faced by the UTD-RS is that they have not been able to meet the needs of each patient's blood request optimally. The reason is because it is not able to predict the need for blood that will come. To see the pattern of blood demand and then determine the appropriate inventory control method to assist the planning process for the fulfillment of blood supply at UTD in the next period. Materials (data) and Methods: The data processed in this study were patient data and blood demand data from January 2020 to January 2021. The data were sourced from the Laboratory Installation and UTD at the Rokan Hulu Hospital. The data is divided into training data and testing data. Then the blood demand data is processed by normalizing it first and then the prediction process is carried out using the Backpropagation method. Then analyzed and tested with the help of Matlab software. This study uses the best network architecture pattern produced is 5-5-1 with an accuracy rate of 68% and a Mean Squared Error value of 0.198. The backpropagation method used is able to help UTD Rokan Hulu Hospital to find out the blood needs that must be met so that the blood supply can be controlled. So that every blood request from patients with low hemoglobin can be met quickly. Downloads
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How to Cite
Prasiwiningrum, E. (2022). Pengendalian Persediaan Darah untuk Pasien dengan Hemoglobin Rendah Menggunakan Metode Backpropagation . Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis, 4(3), 113-118.
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